Sunday, February 24, 2008

Pain in the back

I am having the worst pain in my back the last week or so. I do not know what is wrong. I don't have the best posture but I think this may be something else. I'm no longer sick so I will be returning to the gym on Tuesday after class, maybe that will help. My entire body hurt yesterday and today. I work 18 hours the past 2 days that is 18 hours of standing on my feet! I know a little of the pain is from that but my back has been hurting much longer. When I stand up I look and walk like an 80 year old woman and with every step I say "ouch, oh, oh, ouch!"


Anonymous said...

So I know i'm getting to this post a long while after you did it, but I want to give you some advice...

Never ignore back pain.

That's how I got so screwed up. I ignored mine and it slowly got worse until, as you know, I was really screwed up Christmas of 06 and after. It took me three months to get back to somewhat normal. I went to the Chiropractor a BUNCH of times before it got better, but it did help. Of course, I had a disc issue in my back that we THINK was caused by me falling off the back of the four-wheeler a few weeks before that.

Er. Anyways. Try going to a chiropractor. They can do wonders. :)