Tuesday, January 27, 2009


The only man I have ever loved passed away on January 21, 2009. The only man that has ever loved me is gone. My life is forever changed. I cherish every moment I had with him and regret everyone I didn't.

My daddy laughed at my first car wreck. He made me call family and friends and tell them all about it. I didn't go home and cried cause I thought he would take my keys away, but he just laughed, after he made sure I was ok.

Daddy danced to the Rob Thomas/Santana song, Smooth and thought he was the sexiest man alive.

Daddy loved life, Elvis, and his kids.

Daddy lived in Dallas and had a pig in his backyard.

Daddy went bald at a very young age. He wore a toupee, I loved him bald the best.

Daddy drove a ugly white van that looked like a suppository, and had no seats in the back and the engine was under the front seats.

Daddy even loved my blonde hair, not many did.

Daddy was 54 when he died and he was born in 1954.

Daddy wore shorts that were to short for a man to wear, and only he could pull it off.

Daddy could fix things.

Daddy had a weak stomach, just like me.

Daddy had hemorrhoids thus earning him the nickname "HIMMY" from his friends.

When daddy gagged it sounded like he was saying "BUICK" which is really funny cause he sold cars.

Daddy taught me how to play black jack and we use to bet with pennies that he saved up in a Folgers jar when we lived in Wills Point.

Daddy loved to wear Hawaiian shirts.

Daddy loved to play jokes.

Daddy always made me smile.


Miffany said...

ROFLMAO! There are so many funny memories that I'll always have of your dad. Reading that brought back so many of them. He was a hoot; I'm glad he passed that down to you.

Anonymous said...

I wish our Dads could have known each other. I think they would have been fast friends. I remember the first time I actually sat down with you and your Dad and listened to him tell a couple of funny stories. He reminded me so much of my Dad it made me want to cry. I'm so glad you have a ton of happy memories of him. That's what will keep you going when it gets tough. And no man will ever love us more or better than our daddies.

Angela said...

Amber, I'm sorry to hear that your dad passed away. I hope you and your sisters are doing ok.
Great list on all the things that you love about your dad, it also reminded me of mines.