Sunday, October 19, 2008

Slumber Party!

Shelby had a bunch of friends come over last night for her birthday. I think 8 girls total showed up but it felt like 100. Three boys came over, they didn't spend the night. One lives like 2 houses down. The other lives a street over and the other kid I did not know. He drives, I had a little bit of a problem with a boy old enough to drive hanging with my 14 year old sister. I did some questioning and he is a kid from church. I'm still a little uneasy about it but you can't argue with church.
Jana and I had some friends over, Tesha and Debbie. The kids were outside when we were thinking of ways to scare them.
Tesha dressed like this.........

While I gathered the kids in the front yard for some pictures. They chose to line up by the car which worked really good. I happened to take a picture right as Tesha ran around the house. It was way to funny! The night was long. The boys left then I went to bed. I don't remember what time some time after 1:30 I sent Shelby a text and told her to please, shut up and forward to all her friends. It didn't work. I called her at 3 and told her it was 3AM and they needed to go to bed.

Tonight it is quiet and I like it. Addi and Jana are sick I'm not digging that.

I'm getting my flu shot tomorrow, I'm so not digging that.


Kristi said...

Sounds like quite the party.