Thursday, April 23, 2009
Today is........

Posted by The Ketchup Queen at 1:28 AM 0 comments
Sunday, April 12, 2009
A very merry Easter
Happy Easter! I worked today, It was raining and dark this morning when I woke up at 6AM, I did not get out of the bed until 6:40. I had to be at work at 7, I was still the first one there. I looked like crap, but I was there. I got to deal with rude nurses all day. I actually hit my breaking point today and emailed my boss about how rude they are. I know because he always takes their side that nothing will come of it, except the fact that I was able to vent and felt much better.
I came home stuffed myself with food and took a nap, woke up and have been doing homework since. It is 11:25 and I just realized I did not call my wonderful mother or my sisters. I would call them now but they might actually put a hit out on me for that. (They are not the night owl I am)
We got Addi an Easter basket with some sidewalk chalk, a princess set a Tiara, wand and earrings, Candy and her favorite prize was a wind of chicken that laid gum eggs. (She does not know it is gum).
Here is a video of her reaction when the eggs come out. She did it every time so I had to get the camera.
Because I am who I am I have to point out things in the video.
- Her hair, her bangs are long and I can not stand them in her face and she would not sit still for me to clip them nicely so they are bunched over to the side looking a little goofy.
-Her dress, A neighbor made that when she was like 6 months old, she fits it now.
-If you look real close at the end of the video you can see our ghetto rigged washing machine. The pipes come up above the washer and there is a rope tied around it and pulled to the wall. Something to do with when it drains and old houses have small pipes and new washers drain to quickly so we had to add length to the pipes and the rope was something I tried once and it did not work and has just stayed there. HA
Posted by The Ketchup Queen at 9:20 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Please Vote
I found a site where you can create a bag for Kroger and even get one FREE!
Click HERE and vote for my bag! Come back daily and VOTE again I want to win or at least come close!
Create your own bag send me the link and I will vote on yours!
(note: I had trouble sizing my letters just right so they are uneven!)
Posted by The Ketchup Queen at 1:20 PM 1 comments
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
The hardest
It is 4:30 am I just finished by far the hardest assignment in my entire college life! I'm happy to be done I feel like a 5oo pound bad of dirt has been lifted off my shoulders. If the grade turns out good then I will be really happy.
I'm not even sure I did the assignment right so please everyone stop what your doing and pray for me right now. Pray that I will get a very good grade.
I have to be up soon for work so I'm going to sneak in a nap really quick.....I'm so sleepy!
Posted by The Ketchup Queen at 2:30 AM 0 comments