Sunday, April 20, 2008

Papers, back, and tickets

I am overly stressed right now. It usually happens at the end of every semester. I am just OVERWHELMED right now. I have a research paper to write it is due May 1st. Yes I knew about it a long time ago but I waited till the last minute. I also have a group project due in another class around the same time. Only thing is my group and I are just not really doing all that great. I'm starting to get nervous. This project is 65% of our grade. YAH! That is a whole lot. Of course on top of those items I still have other school work...the normal stuff due.

My back has begun to hurt again only this time it is not only when I sit and then get up, or when I first sit down. It is a constant pain regardless of what I am doing. My friend suggested that it was PMS now and that is why it is hurting so bad. I'm not sure what it is but I tell you I'm in some pain. I need it to go away cause I do not have the time to be hurting I have to much to do.

Oh so I got a speeding ticket back in February or January I think. Anyway, I have to do defensive driving before June 9th. I hate defensive driving. I try not to speed but my car just likes to go fast! :)