Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A little update

I have been so lost and busy that I have not posted much lately. I'm updating like crazy right now. I need to be organizing my car and room cause I can not even begin to tell you what a mess they are. I have bills that need to be paid, school work to be done, clothes to be washed, bags to be unpacked, but all I want to do is crawl in my bed and listen to songs that remind me of Daddy and do nothing. I'm in the bed, I'm listening to the music but I'm blogging.

I got a new calling at church I get to help with the youth. The girls 12-18 have a program called young women and I'm the personal progress leader. Which means I get to spend Sunday and Wednesday with the girls helping them with their personal progress which is a program that they complete to get a fabulous necklace by completing projects that will teach them different values while bringing them closer to the lord. (In a nutshell I think I explained it pretty well). I'm super super excited about it. I have wanted to work in the young women FOREVER!

I am still the Single Representative. Not much going on with that but I do have the Singles over on Monday night for Family Home Evening. Not many in the group to begin with and not many come but that's OK.

Well I have talked myself into doing all the above mentioned on the to do list. I will post more updates later. I'm pretty dull these days.