Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A new semester, The last one.

I started a new semester at school. I don't have a funny story this time. Mom always likes to hear the first day story cause something usually goes wrong, I get stuck in desk, lost or spill something on me. I have nothing funny cause I missed the whole first week of school. School started on Tuesday, Daddy died on Wednesday. I have 3 classes online and one on campus. The class on campus is on Thursday, I have not gone yet.

I logged onto the online classes and printed out my syllabus today. Its going to be a busy semester. I know I say that every semester, but this one is going to be. OK so I say that every semester, but this one is different.

There is a friend from church that is in one of my online classes who I will study with. Hopefully he will help to keep me from procrastinating.

This is my last semester, for that I'm happy! I will probably continue and be a professional student, but I will have one more degree under my belt.