Saturday, November 8, 2008

The end is near.

For this semester anyway. The end always gets hectic cause all the stuff I have put off is coming due. Just for my sanity here is a run-down of classes this semester and what is left.

-Cognitive Psychology
1 more test! What is not so great about this is my grades thus far have not been that great. This test will require extra study time
-Psy 232 (the sex class)
A paper due over a fetish for lab
2 more test since I have skipped quite a few classes. This may require extra study, but not much.
Lots of homework I do not understand. I have tried to complete and my computer gives me ERROR messages.
1 maybe 2 more test. My teacher is pretty fair on grading I should do ok.
I'm proud to say I have skipped ahead since this is an Internet class and completed all quizzes and homework that is left. I have a Paper due next Sunday and a midterm test early December. Hopefully I can finish that silly paper tomorrow.
I still need to bowl 2 more times for my total of 15 games. I plan to go tomorrow and on Monday since the last day to bowl is on Wednesday. The following week I will have a final test over bowling terms????

That is it. That seems like so much less than what I have stressing me out in my head.

What else do I need to do before the end of this semester.
-Get cleared for MGT 307 so I can finish registration.
-Find out what to do about the one class not being offered that keeps me from graduating in May.
-Find out why PJC has changed their mind and now wants 2 more transcripts.
-Christmas shop
-Pack for North Carolina - since I leave 3 days after the semester ends!
-Continue to loose weight. Yup I'm at a 12 pound loss right now!
-Kick this diet soda habit and get back to pure crisp clean water.