Monday, October 27, 2008

Christmas wish

This is it, this is going to be my stress free holiday season. Here's how it's going to happen. I'm not going to go store to store trying to decide what piece of crap I can by for someone in hopes that they like it lots, so they don't take it back and realize just how cheap I am.

Point- If you want a gift.....You need to tell me what you want. Give me several ideas so I can choose and then it is some what of a surprise. If I don't get a list or an idea you don't get a gift.

Hate to be harsh, but I don't think I can handle another stress filled holiday season.

Oh I plan to be done with all my holiday shopping done by December 15th, which is the day I leave to North Carolina till the 22nd.

To help you all out here are some great ideas for gifts for me. (I'm not saying you need to buy me anything but if you just want to)

1. The new pink CD (I don't think it is out yet)
2. Anything from my Amazon wish list (Click here) some of these books are really cheap.
3. Socks, warm ones for my cold winter feet.
4. A day at the spa or just a massage
5. Chocolate covered peanuts (I love those)
6. Pumpkin muffins (I know Tiffany will take care of these.)

I have drawn a blank and can't think of any other stuff at the moment. I will update.

Here is a list of crazy expensive stuff I want but don't expect anyone to spend this amount on money.
1. a cruise
2. a new laptop
3. my credit card paid off
4. the rest of my car fixed
5. a new bed
6. lipo suction
7. a date with brody from The Hills
8. a diamond ring for my right hand
9. an IPod touch
10. A plane ticket to Cali in May
11. A trip to New York

And I could go on forever, Its not hard to think of tons of expensive un-needed material things.

This is going to be a GREAT holiday season. OH if you have moved update me with you address for a great Christmas card.


Kristi said...

All I want for Christmas is Target gift cards!