Sunday, October 5, 2008

We fought and she won

Jana has been talking about painting the living room well pretty much since we moved in...over a year ago. I try to ignore her, cause I do not like to paint. I love the way it looks after and the actual painting for about 3 seconds. However, I get bored quick, and hate the clean up.

We all pretty much tried to keep from doing it, but she finally won Friday night at midnight. Shelby had 2 friends over they were roped into helping. We painted the walls Friday night I think we finished around 2. Then on Saturday between my psychotic rages Scotty and I did the trim and we all put everything back together. It is nice. The color is PINK. It says craft beige. I would have liked a darker brown, but I didn't want to paint anyways. One day I will have my own home and I will enjoy doing these things but not when I have a million things due for school.

Here is Shelby painting. Yes she has shorts on just not "modest" ones.

This is Amanda painting. Hannah (who I called Hayley all night) would not take a picture.

Here is Scotty working hard. Yes I think that tattoo is very scary also.


Kristi said...

This is funny, at least you had a lot of helping hands!