Monday, October 20, 2008

The worst

This is not going to be a happy post. If you want happy read something else. I'm bitter and sad right now and I'm going to have a woe is me post.

Let me just say today right now this moment I am jealous when I say jealous I mean hate the fact that I am single.

The one thing that is pissing me off today is the fair. Yes I'm once again gripping about the fair. It ended yesterday without me getting to go at all. Not even for 2 hours just to walk in and out. I didn't get to go AT ALL. Why because I'm single. That's why. Yes poor pitiful big lonely Amber didn't get to go the fair one of the best things of October cause she is single.

I asked friends, who by the way are married. YUP I have no single friends. They all went with husbands or kids or someone else. I asked my sisters, they were to busy. One with kids the other with school. I asked ex losers who even turned me down. I asked my dad, who had to work and then told me not to go alone, cause I was going to do that, but when dad says don't go alone I figure it must really not be safe.

I get to hear about everyone else and all their great fair times and see pictures and crap while I'm sitting all alone just wishing I could have gone to the fair.

For all you married un-lonely people that for one second think of being envious of my single life, my ability to go where and when I want. Stop and think of the things you get that I don't. One of those being someone next to you in the morning.

P.s. Madalyn is now my ex-sister for 3 days cause she did go to the fair with out me. Not only did she go without me but she didn't even bother to call and ask me if I wanted to go. After me begging her last week to skip school and go with me.

End of my woe is me post. I hope someone reading this fills sorry me. ha


Kristi said...

I feel sorry for you. I feel sad that you are sad and that I can't fix the problem. And even though you know that just because you're married doesn't mean you are happy still doesn't make you feel any better but i wish it did. I feel sad that you don't think you will ever find someone to love becayse you will. I feel sad that you're sad...think I already said that. Anyway, I'm really sorry about the fair and next year we will be going TOGETHER!

Miffany said...

Damn girl. Lay it all out there. lol
2 things: #1 you could have asked me. I have vacation time coming out of my ace and would have been more than willing to take the day off. #2 I'm making you some pumpkin muffins for your pain. When will you be here next?

Liz said...

I didn't go to the fair either.