Friday, August 22, 2008

What I need to do vs. what I'm doing

What I NEED to do:
balance check book
order books for school
find a place to live
sale old books
clean house

What I WANT to do:
visit Maddie
have fun day with kristi and tiff before school starts
swim with bri
buy a new computer

What I AM doing:
blowing my nose every 20 seconds
laying in the bed
laying on the couch

This just stinks I have stuff I NEED to do stuff I WANT to do and I can't do anything but blow my nose and lay around cause I feel like crap!


Kristi said...

I'm sorry about that friend. I hope you can feel better very soon. :)

caroline said...

Maybe just kick up your feet, take some medicine, pop some popcorn,watch a good chick flick and forget the need to do and want to do lists for now. I know- it's easier said then done!I hope that you get better soon.

Gorilla Bananas said...

Honey and hot water is what I recommend.

Miffany said...

Hey you're not alone blowing your nose! I have been doing it all day! September is approaching and that means I'm due for a helluva nasty sinus infection, swollen eyes, and anything I breathe will set off my allergies.
We'll get through this and have a fun night later on when we're not all gooey!