Friday, June 27, 2008

Can you see my shadow??

I got a new job....well not official but official enough now that I feel I can blog about it. Currently I work as a Pharmacy Technician in retail. I have been offered a job in the Hospital Pharmacy which is a completly diffrent thing. This job offers me almost $3 more an hour than my current job where I feel overworked and unappreciated, but I feel I learn so much. However, what I learn is from our current Pharmacy Manager which Monday is his last day.

Since my paperwork at the hospital is still in the processing stage I can not offically start. Today I "Shadowed" the girl whose place I am taking. I know her because she use to work with me. She basically showed me the ropes.

The Pharmacy I work in right now I type the prescriptions, pull the drug, fill the prescription by counting the pills or whatever, mix the antibiotics, then the pharmacist verifies it all and then I ring the patient up when they pick it up.

The hospital pharmacy, we printed a sheet that said what meds each floor was out of, pulled those meds, ran all over the hospital....not really run more like slow walk, filled the carts one med at a time and had to enter it to the computer at lunch and did it again. There were other things to do such as type in the orders for the patients, make IV's, fill hospice orders, and I'm not sure what else. For the most part it looks as if I will be filling carts.

With the better pay and less stress I'm positive I want to take the hospital job. I just think I may be very bored. I think I will stay PRN at my retail store, but who knows I may just like the lazy life, I guess it isn't lazy just different from what I'm use to.