Sunday, June 8, 2008

Wii are not fit

I'm heading to College Station today to visit some friends and then Monday we are going to Schilterbaun (I know I spelled that wrong). Last night I came to my sisters in Athens. To drop Shelby off. She is going to visit the family while I'm down south. We got here about 11;30 pm. I seem to always get a late stat ha!

When we got here David and Brie had just gotten back from Wal-mart where the bought the Wii Fit. I was excited cause I told Shelby on the way down I was going to play the Wii cause I hadn't been able to the last few times I was here.

Ok so on to the point. Wii did not do very well. I'm not going to tell you my weight, BMI or any of that other stuff. My Wii age is 38. Selena's was 42 I think. The only person who was close to their real age was Shelby. She was 14, 1 year older than her real age.

It was so fun playing the games. I did the Hula Hoops, I also did not do so great. I did the short run and I placed 1st place! It was funny when you were running your little character would trip and fall if you went to fast ha! I never tripped, but the girls were just to be funny. It was so funny watching them really run. Their little legs were moving so fast trying to get the little Wii to trip.

I went to bed at 2 and the girls were still up playing. What a fun night. Oh I took some pictures, I will post them when I get back from my mini vacation.