Monday, May 19, 2008

I don't want to take meds.

I made a post earlier today about something that I saw at work this weekend. Well I just thought of a few other things. There is this medicine called Coricidin It is available over the counter, we have ours behind the counter because it gets stolen. It is for people with high blood pressure for colds and such. They can not take the other stuff cause it is not safe. Most pharmacist recommended it but my favorite pharmacist says it is a waste of money and that they should just take some other drug cause that's what it is just with a different name.

Anyway, This large lady comes in to buy some and I realize then while I'm taking her $5.49, That I do not want to have high blood pressure, I do not want to have to take medicine for it. I do not want to be restricted to only taking a certain type of cold medicine because of interactions.

I need to unhealthy ways now.

Oh and today when I took Jana to physical therapy and had plenty of thinking time in the waiting room once the lady with her 4 loud but very cute and funny kids left, I came to the conclusion that by some sort of LUCK, I am a healthy person. I have good blood test. No real illnesses to be concerned with. Why risk it. I need to change my ways now so that I can stay healthy. I have started doing better and have been for about 2 months or so but I just kinda fall of the wagon every now and then.

When things like this happen it just makes me want to be that much better.

Oh and the reason people still Coricidin is because drug heads will take handfuls at a time and sit back and hallucinate or something like that. The pills look like Skittles so it is called Skittleing.