Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Kids really are funny

My friend Kristi has the cutest kids. Her son always seems to say something to make me laugh. On Monday I went to visit before my class in McKinney we went to Elfenix to celebrate Cinco De Mayo.

On my last visit I asked Chandler and Kennedy if I could take their new baby brother Will home with me since I didn't have any kids. Chandler told me no that I needed to pray for my own babies. I told him maybe I needed a husband first. He then told me I needed to marry a handsome and rich man that wore a cowboy hat.

On Monday I again asked if I could take Will home. Chandler quickly said no, I told you you need to marry a handsome rich man. I asked him if he would be on the lookout for me one. Of course he said yes.

When we were leaving Elfenix, I was paying my ticket when Chandler comes up to me and puts his hand by his mouth and whispers "Amber you should marry him" pointing to a worker that couldn't have been barely over 18. I smiled and said no. He says "no really you should" we get outside and I said "Kristi did you hear what he just said" when Chandler goes "Amber you should have talked to him he smelled really good."

It is good to know that Chandler is on the lookout!


Kristi said...

Oh my gosh I was laughing out loud readng that even though I was there! I didn't know Chandler told you the first time to pray for babies, that is cute. Kids are SO funny!