Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The truth...Makes me happy

I have been for a very long time working towards an ultimate goal of happiness. Yes, that is what I want. I want every day, every choice, everything to make me happy. I think it is a reasonable thing to expect. I know there will be sad things there will be bumps, but I want to be a truly HAPPY person. I want to be able to look at EVERYONE and say that I'm happy with the way my life is. My new years resolution was to change the things that I do not love. I did well with that. slowly more things are changing. I know there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

After some thought, brainstorming and even small conversations with people I know I have become HAPPY with my current relationship status. "I am a single white female." And I am very happy with that. I have realised that I could be the opposite but there is a reason that I'm not.....I am picky, or as someone else said...I have high standards. I am not looking for a casual fling, or for anybody. I'm looking for someone to grow old with and have babies with and share my life with. I have faith that someday I will find that, I will not settle for anybody just to have somebody.

While I continue to struggle with school, job, money, health, and other things that are affecting my happiness I feel great knowing that this one is off the list.

Someone made the comment to me that I better stop being so picky if I want to have kids before my eggs dry up. I will not settle for second best.


Kristi said...

Your eggs won't dry up and you will find the person that is meant for you someday when it is the right time, I just know it. He's out there!